• To INNOVATE on a dynamic team and participate in the creation of new processes and work methods
  • To EXPERIENCE a convivial and dynamic working environment
  • To FEEL that you are an important team member, recognized and listened to by management
  • To CONTRIBUTE to the development of a company that is respected


TMS established its company culture in terms of the values it holds dear: Reliability, Innovation, Teamwork and Respect. With this in mind, we guarantee you a job that will match your skills and expectations, in a pleasant environment in which teamwork is the order of the day.



The safety of our employees is our priority! Right from hiring, we plan training sessions for new employees to ensure their safety. At TMS, we have developed a work health and safety culture that allows us to act proactively: we invest to improve our work methods and it is together with our employees that we find new solutions. We thus ensure rigorous monitoring of the application of corrective measures and safe working methods. Our objective? To see our employees return home to their families each day in good health.

Jobs available

Saint-Henri de Lévis
Posted 5 months ago
Saint-Henri de Lévis
Posted 7 months ago

Is the position you are looking for not on display, but you still wish to join our team?

    Technical or administrative positionPositions in the plantPositions at worksites